Answer by Ripi2 for Why do some ordinary questions receive exceptionally high...
There is a huge number of users that are still learning basics, very low experience. So their problems are usually ordinary problems. Upvoting this kind of question is the same as "I'm suffering this...
View ArticleAnswer by Jonathan Rosenne for Why do some ordinary questions receive...
I can speak for myself: when I have a problem that baffles me or my team and search for a solution, when I come upon a question that matches my problem I often vote it up, and also the solutions that...
View ArticleAnswer by Andras Deak for Why do some ordinary questions receive...
It seems nobody has mentioned yet an important manifestation of the problem you seem to be talking about: Hot Network Questions (though I don't think this is the case in the specific example you linked...
View ArticleAnswer by Pac0 for Why do some ordinary questions receive exceptionally high...
First, take into account the randomness of the voting process. You can witness some significant change depending on the time of day, on the day of the week, the people that might or might not be...
View ArticleWhy do some ordinary questions receive exceptionally high votes?
I would vote a question or an answer if I could learn something new or when the answer is very genius. However, I could not understand based on what criteria the other experienced SO users (those with...
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